Skincare for problem skin or skin with acne.
Acne is a chronic skin disease, and the main goal of treatment is to learn to control it, maintain remission, which is achieved by medication, avoiding things that aggravate it, and proper care. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin can be very important. The Purge from BLVDskin can help you with this problem.
But let`s talk about all of this in detail.
Skincare is a key in the healing process. It is desirable for long periods, and abrupt cessation of both care and treatment can lead to new rashes. Therefore, the main thing is patience. Acne mainly affects people with sebaceous glands, clogged pores, and bacteria. We can determine what can and cannot be done with this disease by knowing all about acne.
Follow the rules below if you have acne or problem skin:
Clean the skin twice a day ( in the morning and in the evening).
Washing the skin with rashes is very important, because it cleans pores, removes dirt and dust, accumulated sebum, mechanically reduces bacteria on the skin.
Choose gentle cleansers (gels, foams, etc.), that do not contain alcohol, with a neutral pH, do not dry the skin. And that cleansers should be without micro-exfoliating particles.
Do not wash the skin with household or sulfur soap.
Avoid so-called comedogenic cosmetics, those that clog pores (thick foundations, greasy moisturizers, or sunscreens).
Acne skin also needs hydration. Your makeup should not be greasy, but it is enough to moisturize the skin. Do not use oils and fats to lubricate the skin. After the massage, wash off the oil from the skin as soon as possible.
If we have already started talking about cosmetics, it should be said that they should not contain alcohol, should not over-dry the skin.
Although acne often has excessive oiliness of the skin, its over drying leads to even greater work of sebaceous glands, the formation of microcracks and dryness, and thus can spread of the disease and skin irritation. To do this, cosmetics and acne medications should contain special components that can regulate the skin.
You can and sometimes need to mask pimples.
Facial skin diseases have a strong effect on emotional conditions and can even lead to
depression. But it should be done correctly. If you need to mask pimples, you can use powder or toner. It should also be non-comedogenic, not dense, can be combined with sunscreen.
Do not forget to thoroughly clean the skin in the evening when removing makeup, periodically wash the brush for makeup application, do not use overdue products.
Do not squeeze pimples!
After all, this increases the risk of scarring and pigmentation. And it is much harder to fight them. Pimple-like an iceberg, squeeze the top, and the rest falls into the surrounding tissues. Cosmetic cleansing is allowed to clean pores, blackheads, but not active rashes during the exacerbation of the disease.
Do not scrub the skin.
Skin irritation, microcracks, can lead to an increased rash. It is better to clean the skin in more gentle ways.
Protection from the sun is really important. It has been proven, that acne can be exacerbated by excessive sunlight. Tanning and drying of the skin can be misleading evidence of improvement, but things will return.
Also, keep in mind that both internal and external acne medications are not compatible with the sun. Therefore, choose a normal over time light sunscreen, fluid, or spray for daily use.
Chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser treatments, etc. are only allowed after the active phase of treatment if you are taking systemic medications or applying medications to acne skin.
All local remedies for acne healing have a common side effect - dryness and skin irritation.
After all, they affect the sebaceous gland, a component of the skin that moisturizes it. Therefore, when your skin is dry, add a light moisturizer. For example, if your doctor prescribes medication once a day in the evening, use a moisturizer in the morning. If this does not help, apply a moisturizer on top of the treatment, waiting a few minutes before applying (or do it more often during the day). You can also start using the drug every other day, wash it off in the morning. These tips can alleviate the symptoms of irritation. Do not self-medicate. If you have acne, see your doctor for treatment.
And last but not least
Adjust your lifestyle, exercise, eat a healthy diet, control your weight if necessary, rest, sleep, drink plenty of water, do not sunbathe, train your resilience, have a hobby, and be happy!